• Thermal Management Solution –Thermal Superconducting Material

    The thermal superconducting material is a low temperature liquid thermal superconducting material based on the theory of extreme convection and designed by Hi-1. The material has the characteristics o...

    2018/03/28 admin 39

  • Phase Change Heat Transfer

    Phase change refers to the phenomenon that a substance changes between solid, liquid, and gaseous states; the phase transition of matter is accompanied by the transfer of a large amount of heat. For e...

    2018/03/28 admin 36

  • Thermal Management Solution - Spraying Cooling

            Spraying CoolingLiquid spraying cooling effectively removes a large amount of heat from the surface of source by phase change or high-speed and large-volume cooling fluid. ...

    2018/03/28 admin 55

  • Thermal Management Solution - Forced Convection

          When the fluid participating in the heat exchange is driven by the power or the indenter, the heat exchange between the fluid and the solid wall is called forced co...

    2018/03/21 admin 46

  • Thermal Management Solution - Natural Convection

           Natural ConvectionWhen there is a non-uniform temperature field within a space, the temperature of the gas or liquid in the space will not be uniform, and a density gra...

    2018/03/21 admin 40